Do you want to tell stories to influence the subconscious? In my previous article, I had discussed writing suggestions that are simple and short! In this article you are going to discover how to embed these suggestions within stories.

What this is and What this is Not?
Before we begin I like to remind you that at this moment, here, we are only learning the basics. I no longer use embedded commands, isolated, in this fashion because I think they are quite primitive. I rather use stories for much more powerful stuff like installing beliefs, behaviors, skills, and capabilities using Metaphors, chaining Anchors, and so on. Nevertheless, the method described in this article is very effective and can serve as a foundation for very subtle and powerful stuff. If you follow along these articles you will be easily able to plant in suggestions and commands hypnotically, at least with the ones who are in rapport with you naturally. Someone more advanced in this journey or a reader like me reading this might know that stories serve as a much more powerful vehicle for mind programming than just embedding commands. Those other techniques are also coming later in the series. What is important is that you continue to do the exercises and enjoy the results from these basic and yet powerful hypnotic techniques that are shared with you now.
Using Stories to Embed Commands
Following are some of the examples of simple, short, and direct suggestions that we discussed in the art of embedded commands Part 1.
- Buy this Car today
- See the possibilities NOW
- Get this done immediately
If you have not read that article already, go ahead and read it, so that you do know how to form well-formed commands. Once, you have decided on a set of well-formed embedded commands, what you need next is a story. It can be any story around any theme. The story acts as a vehicle to deliver the embedded commands. It feels natural and is easier to say a story that is relevant to the context and also the interest of your listener. So, it can be any story. The important thing is that you keep your listener engaged with your story. And all you got to do next is embed the suggestions within the story. This is where KISS helps. The simpler and shorter your suggestions are, the easier to embed them. Following are a few examples to give you an idea of how this can be done.
1. A friend of mine was helping me with some paper work. And as we were discussing, he mentioned that he really wants to Buy This Car. Today, this seems to be the ‘in thing’. Note the period after Buy This Car. This makes it appear to the conscious mind that ‘Today’ is part of the next sentence, whereas the subconscious processes both the possibilities.
2. My wife and I were walking By This Car today, that was parked at the mall and this sentence exploits the similarity in the way the words ‘by’ and ‘buy’ sounds. Again, the subconscious will process both the meanings. And if you are in rapport with the listener, the suggestions will be well received.
3. I was watching TV with my son and he saw a musician build his own instrument. He was very fascinated with what he was seeing and said ‘I want to Get This Done Immediately‘. He was so excited that he wanted to make his own instruments. And he wanted to ‘Do it Right Away‘. I decided to help him and we went to the shop By This Car, all the way looking at how excited kids can be. These are just some of many possibilities. I am sure you Get The Idea Now, and all it takes is some practice. And you will be able to embed commands and suggestions easily!
Delivery of Embedded Commands
Now, in addition to embedding these commands, there is another important tweak that you got to package. And this can make all the difference in the world. (As with all our articles we are assuming you are already in unconscious rapport with the listener.) You need to mark these words in a very subtle fashion. You can mark it out using space, tone, intonation, volume, or even gestures if the person can see you. And the other thing to remember is to use a downward intonation. The subconscious recognizes them as commands. I have a lot to share. Now, if this post happens to be one of the most popular posts on my blog, I will write another article on delivery tone and modulation of Embedded Commands for effectiveness.
How can Embedding Commands like these be useful?
I can think of countless possibilities. Now, the easiest way for me to share them are in the comments section of this article. Some generic uses include:
- Influencing a team
- Getting things done
- Building relationships
- Teaching children
- Sales
- Interviews and much much more
Exercises on Embedded Commands using Stories
In this article, I am going to give you two exercises. So, do the following to practice and to practice well
Exercise 1: Watch this video of Derren Brown paying with Blank Paper. He is using the same technique as mentioned in this article. Catch the embedded command in the story and you can share it in the comments section if you like. [youtube]
Exercise 2: Get ahead with a challenging situation by doing the following:
- If you haven’t already read the earlier articles on embedding commands in these series, read them first. – Conversational Hypnosis Art of Embedded Commands Part 1 – KISS Conversational Hypnosis
- Think about any one situation in your life, where influencing a decision can make a big difference. Focus on one specific thing. And consider what do you really want in that situation. Consider the final outcome in that situation that you are after.
- Write down a list, at least 10 commands and suggestions, that you need to deliver to this person.
- Think about topics this person likes. Write them down.
- Practice by writing or telling a story on the topic you chose above, and as you do, find ways to embed these suggestions.
- Pay attention to your voice. And exaggerate the markings. (The subtleness will come, naturally. Exaggerate first.)
- Repeat and practice again!
Note: DO NOT memorize the stories and try to deliver them. That is a recipe for failure. The brain learns to pattern quickly. Do your practice well just like what I have mentioned above. And you will be surprised how at the right moment, the right story and the right suggestion just flow from you! Continue to enjoy and also share. I will write more soon:-)
Hey I know you’re not lazing around all day waiting for a comment but reply to this as and when you’re free. Today I read your previous articles and this one and well you said we need rapport with the people we’re doing this on right? What about how Brown did in his video? Like absolute strangers he just met. Was the initial 1 min convo the rapport building? Also can we suggest something to an absolute stranger we just met?
P.S. Noticed I tried a lil subtle suggestion of my own on the comment? Nothing big but worth a shot. =P
Also I like the embedded message that you’ve put in your about me. =P
Nice. Not many people catch it :)
EsojMikey, interesting question. My reference to the word rapport here is from the NLP perspective of unconscious rapport. Which has a slightly different meaning from what is defined as ‘rapport’ in the english language. The rapport I am referring here is a MOMENTARY WINDOW of OPPORTUNITY, where one person follows the other. For example, if one person scratches the head, the other scratches the skin. One moves backward, the other follows. There are many techniques to get into unconscious rapport quickly and instantly with anyone. In around 2:23 you can notice Derren pacing. In 2:41 you can notice their body positions look very similar. Near 2:42 you can notice the vendor following the head nod of Derren with his own. (obviously the video does not show the full interaction between the two – so I am picking up few instances to demonstrate the rapport setup)
P.S. Good use of embedded suggestion on your comment! Continue to utilize the skill, effectively!
Its ‘ Take it, its fine’ also with the guy it didn’t work on, he didn’t build enough unconscious rapport is what I observed, hence it didn’t work. He’s quite quick though but I believe if he’d taken a little more time and built more rapport the ring shop owner also wouldn’t realize until much later. I might be wrong, do let me know. Thank you.